Terms and Conditions
​Sports Massage and Deep Tissue Treatment:
Your first treatment will include:
Consultation, including medical history, range of movement assessment (ROM), posture analysis and functional testing.
Sports massage, deep tissue treatment tailored to each individual.
Stretching and exercise demonstration / discussion.
Your follow up treatments will include re-assessment / consultation and treatment.
Treatments will only be conducted if Flex Therapy deems the treatment safe for the client to receive.
GP/Consultant permission may be required before treatments can be provided, if you are unsure as to whether you may require your GP's permission please discuss any concerns prior to booking.
Laser therapy treatment:
Your first treatment will include:
Consultation, including medical history, range of movement assessment (ROM), posture analysis and functional testing.
Deep tissue laser therapy for 5 to 10 minutes, the treatment time will depend on the injury.
Stretching and exercise demonstration / discussion.
Your follow up treatments will include re-assessment / consultation and deep tissue laser therapy treatment.
Treatments will only be conducted if Flex Therapy deems the treatment safe for the client to receive.
GP/Consultant permission may be required before treatments can be provided, if you are unsure as to whether you may require your GP's permission please discuss any concerns prior to booking.
Deep tissue massage and laser therapy treatment:
Your first treatment will include:
Consultation, including medical history, range of movement assessment (ROM), posture analysis and functional testing.
5 - 10 minute deep tissue laser therapy, followed by sports massage and deep tissue treatment.
Stretching and exercise demonstration / discussion.
Your follow up treatments will include re-assessment / consultation, laser treatment and deep tissue massage treatment.
Treatments will only be conducted if Flex Therapy deems the treatment safe for the client to receive.
GP/Consultant permission may be required before treatments can be provided, if you are unsure as to whether you may require your GP's permission please discuss any concerns prior to booking.
Covid-19 procedures:
Please be assured that the quality of your treatment will not be affected by these changes, however please follow the below guidelines:
A pre screening and consent form will be emailed to you once your booking is confirmed, you will be required to complete this prior to having treatment.
Flex Therapy has the right to cancel your appointment if you have medical conditions that put you in a high risk category for Covid-19.
Please wear a face covering when entering the treatment room.
Please bring your own pen and water if needed, as I can no longer supply this.
Please remain in your car or outside and I will collect you at your appointment time.
Your temperature will be taken, if raised your appointment will be cancelled.
Sterilise your hands with the hand sanitiser provided on entrance.
Please remove your shoes in the porch.
Try to avoid touching too many surfaces, I will open the door for you.
There will be a container in which to put your clothes when you undress.
Please only bring a chaperone or legal guardian if necessary.
The treatment room will have been thoroughly disinfected, all linen and face cradles replaced for each client.
Personal protective equipment which includes a mask, gloves and apron will be available.
When the massage is over, please leave all the linens, untouched on the couch and try not to touch anything as you leave.
There will be a 30 minute break between each client to allow time for thorough sterilisation.
I will be taking and recording my own temperature daily, and I will postpone appointments if raised.
If I feel unwell or have any Covid-19 symptoms I will postpone your appointment.
Cancellation policy:
A booking is confirmed once Flex Therapy and the client have both agreed a date, time, duration and location for a treatment.
If the client is late for an appointment Flex Therapy has the right to cancel the treatment.
No additional time will be given for clients late for their appointment, the appointment will end as originally scheduled, and the full fee will be payable.
Clients are asked to provide at least 48 hours notice when cancelling or re-scheduling appointments.
Any cancellations made within 48 hours of the appointment will incur the full fee charge.
The client will be contacted 48 hours prior to their appointment to confirm the appointment, failure to cancel or re-schedule at this stage will result in the full fee charge.
Flex Therapy has the right to cancel a treatment by giving 24 hours notice.
Flex Therapy has the right to cancel a treatment without notice if the room or environment is unsuitable for the treatment to be provided, or if the therapist is taken ill.
Flex Therapy has the right to cancel a treatment without notice if the client is intoxicated, inebriated, or ill.
Flex Therapy commits to rearranging treatments to a new time and date within three weeks of the cancelled treatment where possible.
Vouchers can be used as payment towards any available, advertised treatment.
Vouchers are only valid for six months from purchase date.
Website content:
Website content will be authorised and managed at Flex Therapy's discretion, including testimonials.
Photographs will only be displayed with the consent of the people in the photograph.
Photograph consent may be obtained by Flex Therapy verbally, or in writing if the client completes a photo release form.
Photo release forms can be requested by phone or email.
Flex Therapy accepts payment in cash, by cheque or bank transfer.
Invoices will be sent to clients who do not pay for, or who cancel within 48 hours of their appointment time.
Invoices must be paid immediately on receipt of invoice.
Client treatment details will not be discussed with anyone other than the client unless the client is under the age of 18 or has a care worker or guardian.
Consultations will only be discussed with the client unless the client is under the age of 18 or has a care worker or guardian.
Consultation forms and treatment notes will be kept on file, securely by Flex Therapy.
All clients must complete a consultation form prior to receiving a treatment.
By signing the consultation form, clients are giving Flex Therapy permission to hold records and data about them.
Personal information will not be shared with any third parties.
Young persons under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
The adult must give permission for the treatment to be performed.
The adult must co-sign the client’s consultation form.
The adult must be present in the room throughout the treatment.
Flex Therapy is fully insured by GrayBrooks Insurance.
Inappropriate behaviour:
Flex Therapy has the right to terminate a treatment immediately if the client demonstrates inappropriate or sexual behaviour.
Payment will be collected for the full treatment price.
If the therapist is unable to collect money before leaving, an invoice will be sent to the client’s address.
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